Real leftists hate America and everything it stands for. Your values are identical to republicans, stop associating yourself with us. Your existence alone is NOT radical. You are the textbook definition of an empire cuck. Everything you post is about how much you love capitalism, the military and being an assimilationist sellout. I’m starting to think you’re being paid by the CIA at this point or aren’t even a real person

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Is that an AI generated image?

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I think what you describe may actually be a left-wing “matriotism” that has been ascendant for almost half a century now, involving cultural realignment toward the feminine, non-white, queer, and blue collar. The politics of this are confusing, because institutions and parties have realigned many times throughout U.S. history in relation to cultural trends.

Political language is meaningless to describe major shifts in culture, because words lose all currency. Republican, Dem, conservative, lib are largely meaningless tags. Which party is the labor party, versus that of capital? What is it that each side is trying to conserve versus liberate? Is it possible to be economically liberal and socially conservative at the same time? Or vice versa, economically conservative and socially liberal? Is it possible that on economic issues and foreign policy, we didn’t actually have a two-party system for almost half a century?

Questions like these quickly reveal where a cowherd or a country singer might align in the scheme of things, assuming they don’t own tons of land or she/he’s a traditional laboring underdog. But even those iconographies are troubling. As the right continues to tear away the veil that disguises their deep alliance with capital, the rhetoric falls apart. The culture war is framed by the right as an animus of the left toward traditions of a heteronormative white male society rooted by Christian values. And on that note, they’ve temporarily won over the white working male. But did the animus arise from the left, or has it always been a backlash from the right? Hard to say. What is easy to say is that whichever party aligns with capital against the working class is not the party of cowboys, country musicians, and economic underdogs.

The left would be wise to remind everyone listening that, even amid a fight to conserve the protections guaranteed by institutions as they exist today, our efforts to maintain those institutions is of utmost interest to those who value their labor rights, their environmental rights, the healthcare of women and children and the elderly, and also the rights of any and all who would boldly transgress cultural and religious boundaries in the name of self-liberation, freedom, expression, and discovery. The right-wing is the party of repression in every regard other than the left’s attempts to hold them to account for their sexism, racism, classism, and gender and sexual phobias.

In the meantime, every symbol of culture in so-called “America” is up for grabs. Even Jesus Christ was a fucking shepherd. Pretty sure he wouldn’t be on the side of venture capitalists, tech czars, or billionaires.

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